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Welcome to my blog!

Firstly, thank you for visiting. I hope this won’t be your last time.

I invite you to join me, on my venture into the world of multimedia. I will be posting all of my work here, whether it be musical covers, music videos, short films, or video clips of me messing around with video effects.

This blog will serve me multiple purposes. It will be an online resume, a showcase, as well as a means to track my progress. It will also help me make my work visible, get me some followers as well as gain valuable opinions and advice from possible viewers.

This is where YOU come in.

Feel free to browse through it to get a better idea of what it’s all about. If you like it, share it! Subscribe to my blog, and check out my youtube channel as well!

I hope you enjoy what you see, and if you have any suggestions please let me have it.Visit again!

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For a closer look at these pictures, visit the Photos section via the button at the top of this page.